Sleep Deprivation Makes It Difficult to Suppress Unwanted Thoughts

January 18, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfedosky @ 4:31 pm
Unhappy woman lying awake in bed at night

Everyone experiences unwanted thoughts on occasion. Most people are able to quickly dismiss those disturbing thoughts and move on with their daily activities. For other individuals, though, controlling those unwanted thoughts is extremely difficult. While many factors can contribute to this problem, sleep deprivation may be to blame in some cases. What exactly is the link between sleep deprivation and unwanted thoughts? This blog post shares some interesting information.

Sleep Deprivation and Unwanted Thoughts

A study conducted by the University of New York involved 60 healthy participants who were trained to associate certain images with negative thoughts. The participants were then asked to view these images; some did so after a full night of rest, while others did so following a night of total sleep deprivation.

The patients who were sleep deprived reported an increase in unwanted thoughts of nearly 50% compared to those who were well-rested. In contrast, the people who slept well found it easier to take on a more positive view of the images. They also showed a reduced sweat response when looking at them.

The study sheds light on why humans’ capacity to control their thoughts can vary so much from day to day. It also highlights a special struggle for people with sleep disorders, such as sleep apnea, or psychiatric conditions. These individuals may not sleep well, which can worsen negative thinking. In turn, those negative thoughts can make it even more difficult to get enough rest.

Improving the Quality and Quantity of Your Sleep

If you are fighting a battle against unwanted thoughts, you may need to consult with a mental health professional. However, you should also pay attention to the quality of your sleep. If you suspect that a lack of rest is to blame for your struggles, talk to your doctor about getting a sleep test, which can reveal if you have sleep apnea or a different sleep disorder.

Sleep apnea causes repeated pauses in breathing throughout the night. You might spend 7 – 8 hours asleep but be unable to fully benefit from it! The good news is that sleep apnea is usually easy to treat. For example, you might need something as simple as a custom oral appliance, which can gently reposition your lower jaw in order to promote better airway function and improved breathing.

Certain lifestyle adjustments may also help to control sleep apnea. You might need to cut back on alcohol and caffeine, lose a bit of weight, or try to sleep on your side instead of your back. Soon after making such changes, you could find that you feel more rested each day. Hopefully, it will also become easier to get rid of unwanted thoughts and maintain a more positive state of mind.

Sleep deprivation can make it challenging to control your thoughts! Seek appropriate treatment so you can get on the road to improved physical and mental wellness.

Meet the Practice

Dr. Keane Fedosky is a skilled dentist who has more than 20 years of experience in providing oral appliance therapy for individuals with sleep apnea. Under his leadership, our practice has helped countless patients to achieve better rest. If you are concerned about the quality of your sleep, we would be happy to recommend your next steps. Contact Sleep Rehab in Plano at 972-496-0515.

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