Wake Up! It’s Time to Stop Snoring, Garland Residents

August 6, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 7:41 pm

woman stressed sleepingDo you wake up feeling more tired than before you went to sleep?

Is your snoring affecting your partner’s sleep, too?

Are you ready to stop snoring in Garland?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, you could be one of the millions of Americans who need treatment for sleep apnea and snoring. And there is good news! You can find a solution for sleep apnea and snoring more easily than you might think.


How Obesity and Sleep Apnea in Garland Are Related

February 9, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfedosky @ 2:09 pm

A sleep study can reveal the cause of your sleep apnea.One of the most common issues in America is being overweight. In fact, nearly 70% of all adults are considered overweight, and 35% of those individuals are considered obese. This is literally a growing problem, and has led to increased rates of both diabetes and heart disease. On top of this, a sleep study in Garland has actually shown that obesity can also cause people to develop a sleep disorder called sleep apnea. To further complicate things, sleep apnea can also lead to excessive weight gain, creating a very destructive cycle. March is actually Sleep Apnea Awareness Month, and in that spirit, Dr. Keane Fedosky is going to discuss how obesity and sleep apnea are related to one another, and how this can affect you. (more…)

Sleep Apnea in Plano Can Damage Your Memory

January 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfedosky @ 3:30 pm

How sleep apnea in Plano can affect your memory. On the outside, you’re laughing, but on the inside, you’re panicking. Its dinner time at your house, and your child is telling a funny story about the time the whole family went to the zoo. Their young mind seems to recall every detail, but you can’t seem to remember a thing. Why can’t you recall this? You remember having fun that day, but the details are fuzzy and distant. You might think this is because you’re getting older, but it might actually be connected to your sleep apnea in Plano. It not only can affect your sleep, but your memory as well. (more…)

The Long Term Risks of Sleep Apnea in Plano

December 9, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfedosky @ 6:28 pm

What can you do about sleep apnea in Plano?Many people worry about getting diabetes and heart disease, so they change their diet and exercise to try and prevent them. However, did you know that if you suffer from sleep apnea, your risk of getting these ailments (and more) dramatically increases? Over time, sleep apnea can lead to many serious health conditions that can drastically impact your life. Dr. Keane Fedosky is going to tell you about what sleep apnea can do to your health over time, and what you can do about it. (more…)

What to Do About Your Sleep Apnea in Plano

October 31, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — drfedosky @ 7:11 pm

How to Diagnose Your Sleep Apnea in Plano.Your alarm goes off and it feels like a gorilla is sitting on your chest. You took extra care to go to bed at a reasonable hour last night. You even turned off all of your electronics an hour before just like you’ve heard other people suggest. You fell asleep quickly, but you still feel completely exhausted, just like you do every morning. What is going on? You may have sleep apnea in Plano, and Dr. Keane Fedosky wants you to know how you can be sure. (more…)

Sleep Apnea Awareness Week: Where is a Sleep Clinic Near Me?

October 1, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drfedosky @ 8:52 pm

Where is a sleep clinic near me?The week of October 1st through October 7th is dedicated to Sleep Apnea Awareness by the American Sleep Association. The mission behind Sleep Apnea Awareness week is to provide education and awareness regarding the common sleep disorder. It is estimated that 18 million Americans suffer from a form of sleep apnea; however, that number is expected to be far higher because it is believed two to four percent of all Americans have undiagnosed sleep apnea. With the sleep disorder holding the potential to cause serious and potentially deadly complications when left untreated, we are joining the mission to raise awareness about the condition. If you suspect you may have sleep apnea, this first question you need to ask yourself is, “Where is a sleep clinic near me?” As a dentist for sleep apnea, we have the answers to your questions.

What to Expect with a Sleep Study in Garland

September 21, 2016

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drfedosky @ 10:50 pm

Sleep Rehab provides your sleep study in Garland. If you suffer from chronic snoring or are suspected to have sleep apnea, you have probably been recommended to undergo a sleep study. A sleep study is a means to diagnose sleep apnea by monitoring you while you sleep. While the procedure is simple and safe, many people remain uncomfortable with the thought of undergoing a sleep study in Garland. As your sleep clinic in Garland, TX, we are here to put your worries to ease with the information you need to know. At Sleep Rehab, we work with local physicians to provide the necessary sleep studies needed to determine if you are suffering from sleep apnea.

Heart Disease and Sleep Apnea in Dallas

May 15, 2016

Filed under: Sleep Apnea,Uncategorized — Tags: — drfedosky @ 4:42 pm

For sleep apnea in Dallas, residents make the short drive to Sleep Rehab in Garland, TX.How’d you sleep last night? If the answer to that question is something along the lines of, “I think I slept, but I feel so tired all the time,” then the culprit may be sleep apnea. This medical condition causes temporary pauses in breathing throughout the night. There are two types of sleep apnea. The less common is called central sleep apnea and occurs because the brain fails to signal muscles to breathe. The more common is obstructive sleep apnea, which happens when soft tissue in your throat blocks your airway. Either type can have serious health consequences including heart disease. To reduce the risk of heart disease and treat sleep apnea, Dallas residents turn to Dr. Keane Fedosky and his team at Sleep Rehab.


Sleep Apnea Blog to Provide News and Information on Sleep Apnea and Snoring Solutions to North Dallas Residents

February 9, 2016

Filed under: Sleep Apnea,Uncategorized — Tags: , — drfedosky @ 5:43 pm

sleep apneaWelcome to the new blog for Sleep Rehab! This is the place we hope residents of Garland, Dallas, and Plano will visit frequently for the latest news about treating sleep apnea and snoring, as well as updates on what’s happening at our office. Dr. Keane Fedosky and the team at Sleep Rehab are here to help you get relief from snoring and sleep apnea with accurate diagnosis and treatment.


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